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Email-to-fax gateway with Sendmail 8.8.7


Rather than manually editing the sendmail.cf file to set up the email
gateway, as per the advice of the v4.0pl2 mailfax.sh-sendmail file, I
use and would recommend employing the m4 macros to regenerate the .cf
file from a '.mc' file after adding a 'MAILER(fax)' line.

Whichever method to alter sendmail.cf is used, up to Sendmail v8.8.6 a
/usr/local/lib/fax/mailfax script was also required.

While setting up my Redhat Linux 5.0 system I have found that Sendmail
versions 8.8.7 and above now interfaces to HylaFAX differently, with 
the result that the mailfax script is no longer required *if* you use
the m4 macros. This simplifies the setup procedure.

This is the extract from the 8.8.7 RELEASE_NOTES file :-

   CONFIG: MAILER(fax) called a program that hasn't existed for a long
           time. Convert to use the HylaFAX 4.0 conventions. Suggested
           by Harry Styron.

Certainly news to me that the mailfax script didn't exist, but what do 
I know(?). Sendmail will now call faxmail directly, with the following
defaults :	FAX_MAILER_PATH /usr/local/bin/faxmail
		FAX_MAILER_ARGS faxmail -d $u@$h $f

If you are happy with these (and they seem very sensible defaults) then
the 'MAILER(fax)' is all you need in the '.mc' file; other variations
will want a 'define' line as well, for example :

   define(`FAX_MAILER_ARGS', `faxmail -n -p11 -Ml=0.75in -d $u@$h $f')

which removes the cover page, increases the text size to 11 point and 
widens the margin. Alternatively, and probably more flexibly, is to use
HylaFAX's configuration files for these parameters.

Hope this helps,
Phil Watkinson,
Boston, UK.

"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing"
-Wernher von Braun. 

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