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transparent fax over internet?

I'm trying to set up "transparent" fax over internet, that is: I have a
list of couples (phone number, e-mail address). Every time hylafax gets
a document from a client (e.g. whfc, not via e-mail), it checks if the
phone number is in the list, and if so it sends the document "as is" vie
e-mail to the corresponding e-mail address in the list.
Did somebody do this before? If not, do I need to work on the code? I
didn't find anything like faxrcvd  for outgoing faxes.
If I need to work on the code, It seems to me that a simple hack would
be to tell hfaxd to write on different FIFO's, say FIFO.faxsnd instead
of FIFO. There a program listens to the messages, does the check and
sends the fax via e-mail or to the real FIFO.
Any better ideas?



- CLaudio

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