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RedHat Linux 4.2 & HylaFax

I'd like to use Hylafax as a fax gateway on a Linux machine with RedHat
4 for a network
of windows PCs.
Everything works fine, but when I try to send a postscript file
generated from word97,
i get a 'Unspecified phase D transmission error'.
I've seen in the mailing list archive that some-windows generated
postscript produce a 1734-points TIFF instead of 1728; but I've seen
that the TIFF is 1728 pixel !
I am using Ghostscript 3.33 and a plain RedHat Linux 4.2; the modem is a
Zyxel 1496e.
I'de like to know if anyone using the RedHat 4.2 had success sending
postscript files
generated by a windows machine!

Thank you!

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