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Re: Fonts for Hylafax

It is possible to use TrueType fonts with Ghostscript 4 & 5, but you have
to compile the driver in. Install the TTF fonts from a windows system on
your UNIX box (or alternately, mount the windows fonts directory if you
have a dual boot install). Include that directory in the ghostscript font
path, and append the following to the active ghostscript Fontmap file. A
friend with a font editor tool proved to me once that the standard TTF's
Microsoft ship are not as good as Adobe fonts. But it's a useful trick
for symbol fonts etc.


/Book-Antiqua   (Antqua.ttf)    ;
/Book-Antiqua-Bold      (Antquab.ttf)   ;
/Book-Antiqua-Bold-Italic       (Antquabi.ttf)  ;
/Book-Antiqua-Italic    (Antquai.ttf)   ;
/Arial-Narrow   (Arialn.ttf)    ;
/Arial-Black    (Ariblk.ttf)    ;
/Bookman-Old-Style      (Bookos.ttf)    ;
/Bookman-Old-Style-Bold (Bookosb.ttf)   ;
/Bookman-Old-Style-Bold-Italic  (Bookosbi.ttf)  ;
/Bookman-Old-Style-Italic       (Bookosi.ttf)   ;
/Garamond       (Gara.ttf)      ;
/Garamond-Bold  (Garabd.ttf)    ;
/Garamond-Italic        (Garait.ttf)    ;
/Haettenschweiler       (Hatten.ttf)    ;
/MS-LineDraw    (Linedraw.ttf)  ;
/MS-MT-Extra    (Mtextra.ttf)   ;
/Monotype-Sorts (Mtsorts.ttf)   ;
/Century-Schoolbook     (Schlbk.ttf)    ;
/Century-Schoolbook-Bold        (Schlbkb.ttf)   ;
/Century-Schoolbook-Bold-Italic (Schlbkbi.ttf)  ;
/Century-Schoolbook-Italic      (Schlbki.ttf)   ;
/Arial  (arial.ttf)     ;
/Arial-Bold     (arialbd.ttf)   ;
/Arial-Bold-Italic      (arialbi.ttf)   ;
/Arial-Italic   (ariali.ttf)    ;
/Courier-New    (cour.ttf)      ;
/Courier-New-Bold       (courbd.ttf)    ;
/Courier-New-Bold-Italic        (courbi.ttf)    ;
/Courier-New-Italic     (couri.ttf)     ;
/Lucida-Sans-Unicode    (l_10646.ttf)   ;
/Lucida-Console (lucon.ttf)     ;
/Marlett        (marlett.ttf)   ;
/Symbol (symbol.ttf)    ;
/Times-New-Roman        (times.ttf)     ;
/Times-New-Roman-Bold   (timesbd.ttf)   ;
/Times-New-Roman-Bold-Italic    (timesbi.ttf)   ;
/Times-New-Roman-Italic (timesi.ttf)    ;
/WingDings      (wingding.ttf)  ;

Arjan Knepper wrote:

> The fonts used by hylafax differ a lot from the original fonts used on
> my Windows NT4.0 system. I've read the FAQ about (changing/upgrading)
> fonts but I can't get clear how it works. Could anyone give me a clue?
> *What are the actualy fonts; *.pfm *.pfa etc
> *What does AFM do
> *To use ADOBE's fonts from Illustator wich directory and
> files(extensions) do I have to change/move
> T.I.A.
> arjan@jak.nl

email : neil.corlett@jrc.it
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