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   Excuse me, but I have problems with Hylafax V4.0 on  linux, the
faxstat reports this
HylaFAX scheduler on fftamex.suomi.org.mx: Running
Modem cua1 (+5): Initializing server      
and from the syslog I get

"No regular expression for modem class"

And when trying to send the syslog says
"Feb  2 13:22:26 fftamex FaxSend[1211]: MODEM 
DAVICOMDM336P/SEP-02-1997 Feb  2 13:22:26 fftamex FaxSend[1211]: SEND 
FAX: JOB 5 DEST 2026567 COMMID 0000$ Feb  2 13:23:14 fftamex 
FaxSend[1211]: SEND: Communication failure during Phase  B/C; Giving up
after 3 attempts to send same page "docq/doc5.ps;30",
 dirnum 0
 Feb  2 
13:23:14 fftamex FaxQueuer[882]: NOTIFY: bin/notify "doneq/q5" 

I've read the documentation and the FAQ about this topic but I Just 
can't find out what's going on (don't understand maybe) I think is 
just a deltail. 

My question is Where do I say (which .conf file) to the hylafax 
faxgetty (or whatever) that my modem is class2?

I've already tried with /var/spool/fax/etc/config.cua1 and it keeps 
the same :-(

J. Carlos Cristobal

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