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Re: new modems vs Class 2

On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:

> Do any of the new, fast modems support Class 2 or Class 2.0?

The 33.6Kbps Multitechs support Class 2.

- Evan

>Received: (from john@localhost) by johncon.johncon.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) id VAA04595; Mon, 29 Sep 1997 21:29:51 -0700
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 21:29:51 -0700
From: John Conover <john@johncon.johncon.com>
To: Evan Leibovitch <evan@telly.org>
Cc: "D. Hugh Redelmeier" <hugh@mimosa.com>, flexfax@sgi.com
Subject: Re: flexfax: new modems vs Class 2
Reply-To: John Conover <john@johncon.johncon.com>
X-Return-Receipt-To: john@johncon.johncon.com
X-Read-Receipt-To: john@johncon.johncon.com
Sender: owner-flexfax@celestial.com

Evan Leibovitch writes:
> On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, D. Hugh Redelmeier wrote:
> > Do any of the new, fast modems support Class 2 or Class 2.0?
> The 33.6Kbps Multitechs support Class 2.

Zoom Telephonics 33.6, also, supports Class 2. I had it working (as
expedient hacks,) with rtscts, and adaptive answer, (which their tech
support claims works, but is not supported,) in both data and fax. I
had trouble with certain fax machines hanging up after answering this
modem, (Panasonic, if I remember correctly,) but this may be do to the
hacking I did, (I only spent about an hour on it.) Street prices are
near a hundred bucks, $US, in California. I didn't try Class 1. The
lights on the modem, (there are lots of them, including an off hook,
which I find irritating that USR omitted,) are useful. For testing, I
wrote a script which bounced a 60 page hi-density fax back and forth
to an ATT/Paradigm DataPort, overnight. Seemed to work OK, excepting
the peculiarity with certain fax machines. I used the config.dev that
was posted here, with modifications, which I have sense put in
/dev/null. (So, I don't have them any longer.) I may not have run the
fax mode in rtscts, (since many of the modems using the Rockwell chip
require that rcscts be enabled, explicitly, in the start up script,
which MAY account for the peculiarity with certain fax machines. I
didn't try it.) I used the external version, with Linux 1.2.8, and
Hylafax 3.5, I think it is.

Might be worth a try. Your milage may very.



John Conover, 631 Lamont Ct., Campbell, CA., 95008, USA.
VOX 408.370.2688, FAX 408.379.9602

>Received: (from john@localhost) by johncon.johncon.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) id DAA05608; Tue, 30 Sep 1997 03:38:34 -0700
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 03:38:34 -0700
From: John Conover <john@johncon.johncon.com>
To: flexfax@sgi.com
Subject: Re: flexfax: new modems vs Class 2
Reply-To: John Conover <john@johncon.johncon.com>
X-Return-Receipt-To: john@johncon.johncon.com
X-Read-Receipt-To: john@johncon.johncon.com
Sender: owner-flexfax@celestial.com

John Conover writes:
> Zoom Telephonics 33.6, also, supports Class 2. I had it working (as
> expedient hacks,) with rtscts, and adaptive answer, (which their tech
> support claims works, but is not supported,) in both data and fax. I
> had trouble with certain fax machines hanging up after answering this
> modem, (Panasonic, if I remember correctly,) but this may be do to the
> hacking I did, (I only spent about an hour on it.) Street prices are
> near a hundred bucks, $US, in California. I didn't try Class 1. The
> lights on the modem, (there are lots of them, including an off hook,
> which I find irritating that USR omitted,) are useful. For testing, I
> wrote a script which bounced a 60 page hi-density fax back and forth
> to an ATT/Paradigm DataPort, overnight. Seemed to work OK, excepting
> the peculiarity with certain fax machines. I used the config.dev that
> was posted here, with modifications, which I have sense put in
> /dev/null. (So, I don't have them any longer.) I may not have run the
> fax mode in rtscts, (since many of the modems using the Rockwell chip
> require that rcscts be enabled, explicitly, in the start up script,
> which MAY account for the peculiarity with certain fax machines. I
> didn't try it.) I used the external version, with Linux 1.2.8, and
> Hylafax 3.5, I think it is.

Attached is the dialer sequences "suggested" by Zoom tech support.



John Conover, 631 Lamont Ct., Campbell, CA., 95008, USA.
VOX 408.370.2688, FAX 408.379.9602

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