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Re: Time for a new patchlevel? (was RE: Hylafax future)

On Tue, 16 Sep 1997, Mr. Arlington Hewes wrote:

> Please, please, please can we have some authoritative statement from "the
> keepers of the source" about when we might expect to be able to move to
> pl2?

Yes. It has been some time - and I'm certain that my sources are
*very* out of date with the number of patches that have been coming

Also, what about the verification of some of the patches that have
been posted? I vaguely recall a patch posted on the list that was
subsequently retracted by its author.
Jonathan Chen                          e-mail : jonc@pinnacle.co.nz
  Pinnacle Software Ltd                Voice  : +64.9.415.4460
  Auckland, New Zealand                Fax    : +64.9.415.4250

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