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Re: Hylafax and PPP?

> >> >I would like to use a single modem to recieve faxes and to let people
> >> >log  in (using PPP).

> >Assuming the OS supports #! fully, a fairly simple shell script should be
> >able to run up the PPP daemon directly, without going through a secondary
> >PPP detect phase.  I suspect it might even be possible to run the PPP
> >daemon in place of the getty.
> >
> Maybe - but you will still need a getty of some sort if you ever want a
> conventional data login.  Also it mightn't be such a simple shell script as
> a control-c at the right time could give root access to the system.

It should work fine to run pppd instead of a getty if you don't want
to allow shell logins or uucp.  However if someone wants to do a
serious hack, I think it would be neat to cobble up something that
would provide an option to autodetect ppp frames but instead of
running pppd, do a PAP password exchange to authenticate a shell login
and then start the 'slirp' slip/ppp emulator as that user.  The advantage
of slirp is that it doesn't require another IP address for the remote
endpoint and the reason I'd like to see something start it this way
is that you could then connect from a Win95 (or about any other) dialer
without any scripting.  Most PPP dialers have fill-in-the-form setup
for PAP passwords but there is no standard for setting up ones that
need scripts. 

Les Mikesell

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