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Re: Hylafax and PPP?

At 23:48 29/07/97 +0100, David Woolley wrote:
>> At 16:28 28/07/97 +0200, Sven Arndt wrote:
>> >I would like to use a single modem to recieve faxes and to let people
>> >log  in (using PPP).
>> Hello Sven
>> You need to get a copy of mgetty (from Sunsite or wherever)
>I think mgetty has to be overkill if he only wants to use PPP in data mode.
>Assuming the OS supports #! fully, a fairly simple shell script should be
>able to run up the PPP daemon directly, without going through a secondary
>PPP detect phase.  I suspect it might even be possible to run the PPP
>daemon in place of the getty.
Maybe - but you will still need a getty of some sort if you ever want a
conventional data login.  Also it mightn't be such a simple shell script as
a control-c at the right time could give root access to the system.


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