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Update to: hylafax-4.0pl1: changes to work with SupraExpress 56e

On July 16, I sent you a patch to Class1Recv.c++ which seemed to be
necessary to make HylaFax work with the SupraExpress 56e modem, along
with the modem config file settings which were working for me.  I have
since discovered that some of those settings were incorrect.  Here are
the corrected settings.  After the list of settings, I'll explain what
I've changed and why.  Note that I've only included the settings which
are different from the defaults and are related to the modem (as
opposed to, e.g., my telephone number, which is unrelated to the

ModemType:		Class1		# use this to supply a hint
ModemRate:		115200		# rate for DCE-DTE communication
ModemFlowControl:	rtscts
ModemSetupDTRCmd:	AT&D2		# setup so DTR drop resets modem
ModemSetupDCDCmd:	AT&C1		# setup so DCD follows carrier
ModemDialCmd:		ATDT%s@		# T for tone dialing, @ for silence
ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd:	<waitfor:OK><19200>AT+FCLASS=1 # switch to 19200 for FAX reception
ModemAnswerDataBeginCmd: "ATO\r<waitfor:CONNECT>" # go on-line
ModemNoFlowCmd:		AT&K		# disable flow control cmd
ModemHardFlowCmd:	AT&K3		# hardware flow control cmd
ModemSoftFlowCmd:	AT&K4		# software flow control cmd
ModemWaitForConnect:	yes
ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FCLASS=0;+FAE=1 # auto-answer works in class 0
ModemSetVolumeCmd:	"ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
ModemResultCodesCmd:	ATQ0X4W1	# enable result codes
Class1RecvAbortOK:	200		# wait 200ms for abort response
Class1RecvIdentTimer:	40000		# 35+5secs waiting for ident frames

The first setting that I've changed here is ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd.
The problem with my old setting was that it wasn't waiting for the OK
that the modem was sending after the "FAX" and "CONNECT" lines, so it
was trying to go into Class 1 before the modem was ready for it.

The second one I've changed is ModemAnswerDataBeginCmd -- I've added
the "waitfor" to tell it to wait for the CONNECT message instead of

With these changed settings and the patch I sent you before, my
SupraExpress 56e answers both data and fax calls quickly and without
any timeouts during answering.


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