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Strange HylaFAX - ghostscript behavior. Page dimensions differ...

Dear friends,
	I am allways here, and I'm trying to madden all of you (but \hyla\
is doing the same to me...) 
Please look at the enclosed log, and the results I got from gs with the
same options (I think) it should get when invoked to talk to a fax with no
more than 1728 x-pixels:

As you see, if I put the windows driver in the maximum compatibility mode,
the postscript it does generate is able to be rescaled to the right
resolution it should get; but if I try to send it as it comes, with the
win'95 client, here is what I get...

Maybe you know more...



ps. hope this time I sent all and only the relevant informations; please
don't flame me, Matthias...


Error: Client does not support document page width, max remote 
			page width 1728 pixels, image width 1734 pixels

    ---- Transcript of session follows ----

Feb 10 14:32:54.39: [20312]: SESSION BEGIN 00000107 39761357504
Feb 10 14:32:54.39: [20312]: SEND FAX: JOB 92 DEST 0761357504 COMMID 00000107
Feb 10 14:32:54.39: [20312]: DELAY 2600 ms
(bla, bla, bla...)
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: REMOTE best rate 9600 bit/s
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: REMOTE max page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: REMOTE max unlimited page length 
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: REMOTE best vres 7.7 line/mm
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: REMOTE best format 2-D MR
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: REMOTE best 20 ms, 10 ms/scanline
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: USE 9600 bit/s
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: USE 20 ms, 10 ms/scanline
Feb 10 14:33:27.61: [20312]: SEND file "docq/doc92.cover;00"

%%% This was made with LaTeX-cover: runs well...

Feb 10 14:33:27.62: [20312]: USE page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Feb 10 14:33:27.62: [20312]: USE unlimited page length 
Feb 10 14:33:50.55: [20312]: SEND end page
Feb 10 14:33:58.93: [20312]: --> [2:OK]
Feb 10 14:33:58.93: [20312]: SEND send MPS (more pages, same document)
Feb 10 14:33:58.93: [20312]: <-- [9:AT+FET=0\r]
Feb 10 14:34:02.23: [20312]: --> [8:+FPTS: 1]
Feb 10 14:34:02.34: [20312]: --> [2:OK]
Feb 10 14:34:02.34: [20312]: SEND recv MCF (message confirmation)
Feb 10 14:34:02.34: [20312]: SEND FAX (00000107): ... (page 1 of 3 sent in 0:35)
Feb 10 14:34:02.35: [20312]: SEND FAX (00000107): ... (docq/doc92.cover;00 sent in 0:35)
Feb 10 14:34:02.35: [20312]: SEND file "docq/doc124.ps;00"
Feb 10 14:34:02.35: [20312]: Client does not support document page width, 
                     max remote page width 1728 pixels, image width 1734 pixels
Feb 10 14:34:02.35: [20312]: <-- [5:ATH0\r]
Feb 10 14:34:04.16: [20312]: --> [9:+FHNG: 50]
Feb 10 14:34:04.16: [20312]: REMOTE HANGUP: Unspecified Transmit Phase D error,
                    including +FPHCTO timeout between data and +FET command (code 50)
Feb 10 14:34:04.73: [20312]: --> [2:OK]
Feb 10 14:34:04.73: [20312]: SESSION END

Error: Client does not support document page width, max remote page width 1728 pixels, image width 1734 pixels

gs -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -r204x196 -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=prova.tiff  -q doc124.ps.92 -c

TIFF Directory at offset 0x8
  Subfile Type: multi-page document (2 = 0x2)
  Image Width: 1728 Image Length: 1078
  Resolution: 204, 98 pixels/inch
  Bits/Sample: 1
  Compression Scheme: CCITT Group 3
  Photometric Interpretation: min-is-white
  FillOrder: lsb-to-msb
  Date & Time: "1997:01:11 00:29:16"
  Software: "Aladdin Ghostscript 4.03"
  Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
  Samples/Pixel: 1
  Rows/Strip: 1078
  Planar Configuration: single image plane
  Page Number: 0-0
  Group 3 Options: EOL padding (4 = 0x4)
  Fax Data: clean (0 = 0x0)

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