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Re: faxgetty problem with Linux 2.0.0 + Hylafax V4.0P1.0

Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
    I also have a problem with faxgetty and Linux 2.0:
    I am not sure if my problem is near to the problem above, but perhaps
    anyone has a clue...
    Whenever a voice-phonecall comes to my modem by mistake, faxgetty forks
    an "agetty" process that never dies although my modem does a hangup
    after recognizing that there is no carrier. Therefore my modem is
    whenever a voice-call gets to my Faxserver.

Are you sure that faxgetty(1M) forks the process "agetty"?
How do you told faxgetty(1M) to do that?


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