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Re: HylaFAX4.0 w/OSF and DEC90TL

jon doelman wrote:
       I've recently ported the HylaFAX 4.0pl0 to our OSF3.2 system.   The
    modem is connected thru a DEC90TL terminal server.  I have found that
    the HylaFAX software is unwilling to send a fax unless the tty device
    is previously opened by an other process.  I wrote a short program to
    open the device then sleep forever, this seems to solve all my problems.
    I am now able to send and receive fax. 
      This solution seems like a kluge.
      Do you know what is a more elegant solution?
You should enable the server and sessionTrace to see what your complain
"unwilling to send a fax" really means. Without such trace noone
can help you out.


firm: matthias.apitz@softcon.de [voc:+49-89-61308-351, fax: +49-89-61308-188]
priv: guru@thias.muc.de
 WWW: http://www.softcon.de/~guru/ OR http://www.guug.de/GUUG/firmen/apitz/

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