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[hylafax-devel] Re: [hylafax-users] Re: config/usr-2.0

"Jay R. Ashworth" wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 23, 2000, at 12:47:31 PM, Dmitry Bely wrote:
> >> Dmitry; you sound like you've groveled in the code enough; you might
> >> have an idea on this.  Have you been near the DestControls parsing
> >> code?
> >>
> >> There have been several requests in the past for the ability to
> >> decide which modem to use to send a job based on the destination phone
> >> number -- this is useful, for example, in situation where you have a
> >> foreign exchange line to a different toll area.
> >>
> >> It seems to me that if the list of things that the destctrls file can
> >> change could be extended to include ModemGroup (formerly ModemClass),
> >> you could redefine "Any" to be only the modems that are appropriate
> >> for that destination.
> >>
> >> Do you know that code, does this sound sane, and does that processing
> >> happen early enough (ie: before modem selection) to make it possible?
> > I have not hacked DestControl yet, but think it's possible.

Me neither but I think it is not too difficult.

'sendfax' is more or less an interface/client program. 'faxsend'
does the real work. 'faxsend' is invoked with a q-file as
argument which contains the apropriate settings for the job, see
manpage for faxsend and manpage for sendq. The q-file is
generated by hfaxd process.
The q-file contains an entry for the modem to use but it is also
possible to specify the modem to use as argument on 'faxsend'.
That is what faxq actually does on preparing the command line for
an exec after a fork. 
> A reply from someone else off list turned up someone who has in fact
> groveled in that code extensively.  More when we have an answer; this
> is something I know several people are interested in.
> Cheers,
> -- jra
> --
> Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
> Member of the Technical Staff
> The Suncoast Freenet
> Tampa Bay, Florida     http://baylink.pitas.com                +1 727 804 5015
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