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[hylafax-devel] Re: ANNOUNCE - bug tracking system

On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 09:44:38AM -0400, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 16, 2000, at 2:09:08 AM, Joe Phillips wrote:
> > Specifically, please suggest more components of the HylaFAX 'product.'  I've
> > already added hfaxd, sendfax and faxstat components but I'm sure there are
> > more.
> 'packaging'.  I tried to install the beta2 binary RPM on rh6.1 the
> other night, and had several problems with dependencies and
> collisions.

I'm not sure how to put 'packaging' in the database.  Each component in
bugzilla has a default maintainer, the user that gets notification of a
bug in his/her component.  The RPM maintainer is likely to be different
than the Debian deb or Solaris pkg maintainer.  We may not want to lump
all package types into a single group for bug-tracking purposes.  Then again,
we may want to do that.

Bugs can always be forwarded to another user in the system.  So lumping
all packages into a single component wouldn't necessarily be all that bad
since the 'packaging' maintainer could forward the bug to the proper
bugzilla user for different package types.

Alternatively, I could make a separate 'product' for 'HylaFAX Binary Packages' 
with sub-components for each package type.

What are the group's thoughts?

I've added some more components from the man pages however I do not know
how up-to-date the web man pages are or which man pages should map to
components in bugzilla.  I request the group's assistance in figuring
out what components should be listed in bugzilla.  Follow this link
for a listing of current components.

We'll also need to assign "default owner" to each component as we begin
to populate the database.  Any volunteers?



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