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[hylafax-devel] Re: ANNOUNCE - bug tracking system

On Wednesday, August 16, 2000, at 2:09:08 AM, Joe Phillips wrote:
> I am pleased to announce that, with Darren's help, I have set up a new
> bug tracking system for use by the HylaFAX development team.


No, really.  :-)

> Please login, add bugs, bang on it, kick the tires and in general check
> it out over the next few days.  Please notify me of comments and problems.


> Specifically, please suggest more components of the HylaFAX 'product.'  I've
> already added hfaxd, sendfax and faxstat components but I'm sure there are
> more.

'packaging'.  I tried to install the beta2 binary RPM on rh6.1 the
other night, and had several problems with dependencies and

'faxrcvd', 'faxq', 'faxgetty', 'modems', and 'source-build' also come
to mind.

Probably 'unknown', too; bugs can be reassigned, right?  Maybe

> Comments and suggestions should be made by submitting a new bug on the
> "bugzilla" product in the database.

Nice touch.

> enjoy!

You bet.

Thanks, Joe.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     
The Suncoast Freenet
Tampa Bay, Florida     http://baylink.pitas.com                +1 727 804 5015

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