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[hylafax-devel] Re: BINARY HUNT

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:

> we're probably close enough for a production release of 4.1; certainly
> the 3 machines I have 4.1beta from the RPM (that's 1, right?) running
> on seem to have less problems than the one that's still running
> 4.0pl2.

Agreed. The beta seems more stable than the stable.

> > Merge the devel mailing list back into the user list; I'd guess that the
> > devel subscribers also follow the user list, but feel disinclined to reply
> > to queries on it.
> I'll disagree, here.  There are good and sufficient reasons for the
> people working on code to have their own sandbox.  I make a personal
> point of doing my best to have at least *something* to say to most
> inquirers on -users (at least when the mail *gets* to me; I'm back,
> again :-).  Many of the -devel subscribers in fact may have dropped
> -users, understanding Sam's code *and* having a day job comprise a
> draining enough collection of responsibilities.  :-)

OK, but let's get it archived.

(Is it just me that keeps falling off the user list?)

> So, this seems like a good time to make the inquiry explicit:
> ATTENTION BINARY BUILDERS: if you're on this list, and you've ever
> built binaries of HylaFAX from source on your non-Intel platform (or
> for that matter, your Intel but non-RedHat, non-SCO platform), please
> chime in now if you think you'll have a few hours in the next 3 weeks
> or so to download a tarball, build a binary, and do some quick testing
> (ie: does it compile).  If you can build an installable package for
> your platform (IE: RPM, custom, installpkg, etc), so much the better.

I've got about 10 comercial clients running hylafax on Slackware, versions
going back to kernel 1.2.8 (can't recall the Slack version) and up to
Slack 7.0 (kernel 2.2.14/16). All built from source. Show me the tarball
and I'll start upgrading 'em (having tested 1st, of course).

I've also got a box with Caldera 2.4, Suse 6.4 and Mandrake 7.0 on it,
which I fiddle with from time to time. I'll give it a spin on those, too.

> As Darren correctly notes, we have here in our laps one of the
> rockin'est packages in Open Source. 

I'd be stuffed without it.
Best Regards,

Mark Wilson

P. Kay Associates Ltd.

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