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[hylafax-devel] Re: BINARY HUNT
>>>>> On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, "Jay" == Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
Jay> On Thursday, August 10, 2000, at 5:42:35 PM,
Jay> Mark Wilson (P. Kay Associates Ltd.) wrote:
+> Reclassify 4.1beta2 as 4.1 (or 5.0) and advertise it as such on
+> hylafax.org; punters are cautious of trying a beta package and deterred by
+> the age of the "stable" package. Progress will follow an expanding user
+> base.
Jay> 4.1, certainly. And, there's a philosophical question here, I think
Jay> that with the current collection of patches applied for a CVS extract,
Jay> we're probably close enough for a production release of 4.1; certainly
Jay> the 3 machines I have 4.1beta from the RPM (that's 1, right?) running
Jay> on seem to have less problems than the one that's still running
Jay> 4.0pl2.
There's no sense releasing anything unless we get the libtiff stuff right,
and we address Dmitry's contributed patches as completely as possible. They
represent the most tangible and arguably important fixes in a long time.
Does anyone care to go back through their notes to see how far we got on that?
Robert? Are you anywhere near completing your attempt at getting Dmitry's stuff
to behave with the libtiff fixes?
Nail those and we cut a 4.1 release. Simple as that.
+> Publish a tarball of the current CVS as x.ybeta1; adventurous punters will
+> find and solve problems in it, or revert to the current beta if it's a
+> struggle.
Jay> Concur here, too.
Sure, not a problem.
+> Merge the devel mailing list back into the user list; I'd guess that the
+> devel subscribers also follow the user list, but feel disinclined to reply
+> to queries on it.
Jay> I'll disagree, here. There are good and sufficient reasons for the
Jay> people working on code to have their own sandbox. I make a personal
Jay> point of doing my best to have at least *something* to say to most
Jay> inquirers on -users (at least when the mail *gets* to me; I'm back,
Jay> again :-). Many of the -devel subscribers in fact may have dropped
Jay> -users, understanding Sam's code *and* having a day job comprise a
Jay> draining enough collection of responsibilities. :-)
I tend to disagree here as well, but it's a fair point. The -users list is
actually moderately high-volume, and low signal/noise. I much prefer to work in
this forum, but I understand the loss of cross-pollination.
Would searchable archives resolve a lot of this concern? It's a definite
to-do. Phil, how are we coming with this?
Jay> So, this seems like a good time to make the inquiry explicit:
The call for binaries is a bit premature. Let's finish up the libtiff/RTN
stuff first, then work on getting this puppy to build on as many platforms as
possible. Tim Rice, how are your fixes coming along?
Jay> As Darren correctly notes, we have here in our laps one of the
Jay> rockin'est packages in Open Source. Let's get down wit' our bad selves,
Jay> shall we?
Well said! ;-)
Jay> I'm sure Mr. Hewes will make an announcement when a source tarball is
Jay> extracted, and where it's put. Darren, Robert, is there anything else
Jay> you need from us?
*grin* I'm sure he will.
Needs? Well, it would be nice if you all would check out the CVS and build it
on something other than linux, and report in with the results! Other than that,
someone needs to vet Dmitry's patches and either apply them to the CVS, or
recommend alternative fixes, and someone needs to try the current CVS with all possible combinations of libtiff to see if it does "the right thing".
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