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[hylafax-devel] Re: Pep talk

At 09:16 AM 7/31/00 +0100, Iain Stevenson wrote:
>on 31/7/00 6:10 am, Darren Nickerson at darren@dazza.org wrote:
> >
> > But we can't yet recommend people use it, except for those running 
> Linux . . .
>... providing its i386 Linux.  Hylafax is not included with Yellowdog Linux
>for the Mac, mgetty+sendfax is.  I don't know what's in LinuxPPC 2000.
> >
> > Please can we identify the stumbling blocks, and then set to work on 
> resolving
> > them?? Until we can point people to the new release it's just our little
> > secret.
>It's the faxgetty falling over problem that I haven't had the time to track
>down - except that it seems to happen when the final message is written to
>the log file.  The code is very opaque for the hobbyist C programmer!

The problem you mentioned i have only seen on linux/PPC - did you try 
putting Sys:write()'s around the problem statement.

PS Previous message attached below

- Robert

>To: Iain Stevenson <iain@IainStevenson.com>, <hylafax-devel@hylafax.org>
>Subject: Re: [hylafax-devel] Bug not fixed
>>At 12:16 AM 6/17/00 +0100, Iain Stevenson wrote:
>>Hi guys,
>>I installed the latest CVS version of hylafax this evening on my Mac - now
>>running Yellow Dog CS 1.2 with a 2.2.16 kernel.  Everything compiled fine
>>but the problem with faxgetty crashing remains.  It is necessary to remove
>>this line:
>>  vsprintf(buf+strlen(buf), (const char*) fmt, ap);
>>... which is the third line from the bottom of FaxMachineLog.c++ (as I've
>>found before) to make faxgetty work.
>I haven't seen this on any other platform - the only possible thing i think 
>it could be doing is overflowing the buffer(which is quite large 16k) or 
>perhaps there is something strange about the fmt string.
>Could you insert a couple of lines before, perhaps something like:
>         fxStr s = "strlen(buf) = " + strlen(buf);
>         (void) Sys::write(fd, s, s.length());
>         s = "fmt = " + fmt;
>         (void) Sys::write(fd, s, s.length());
>         vsprintf(buf+strlen(buf), (const char*) fmt, ap);
>         (void) Sys::write(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
>         ...
>just to see what is going on.
>PS or perhaps the ap variable is all messed up.
>- Robert

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