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[hylafax-devel] Another case of Assertion failed "Invalid Str[] index"


Someone using an RPM I built from recent CVS sees:

Jun 28 13:48:19 linccid FaxSend[23476]: Assertion failed "Invalid Str[] 
index", file "../util/Str.h" line 120.

Last time we fixed:

May 29 11:42:05 hewes FaxQueuer[1758]: Assertion failed "Invalid Str[] index", 
file "../util/Str.h" line 120.

which was due to destcontrols . . . now it looks like we have the same problem 
lurking in some other aspect of HylaFAX operation.

I'm not sure how to capture a strace of faxsend though . . . I'll look into 
using SendFaxCmd. Other thoughts on how to debug this, or where the bug may 


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