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[hylafax-devel] Re: A somewhat specialized dialback patch
> Since you're not subscribed to the -devel list, you're going to miss
> the discussion of your hack ;-) What would you like us to do with
> this little doo-dad? Do you really think we should add it to the
> main distro?
It's a bit of a tossup, but yes, I think it would be useful to other
people. That's why sent it in. Since it has no effect on people who
don't use FailedAnswerCmd, the only downside is that it adds a bit
more clutter to the documentation. Hmmm, that reminds me...I forgot
to include the patch to the man page. I had already done it (I'm kind
of rabid about documentation) but just overlooked it. Here it is:
Index: man/config.4f
--- config.4f.orig Mon Jan 4 23:48:18 1999
+++ config.4f Mon May 29 18:10:00 2000
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
DestControls\(dg string \- per-destination controls file
DeviceMode octal \s-10600\s+1 protection mode to use for modem device
DialStringRules\(dd string \- dial string rules file
+FailedAnswerCmd string \- notification script for received facsimile
FAXNumber string \- facsimile modem phone number
FaxRcvdCmd string \s-1bin/faxrcvd\s+1 notification script for received facsimile
GettyArgs string \- arguments passed to getty program
@@ -546,6 +547,13 @@
The specified pathname must be relative to the top of the fax server's
spooling area; e.g.
.BR etc/dialrules .
+.B FailedAnswerCmd
+If set, a command to be run when an incoming call is not
+successfully answered.
+The command is passed three arguments:
+the modem device ID, the modem device, and a string identifying the
+reason for the answer failure.
.B FAXNumber
The phone number associated with the facsimile modem.
Geoff Kuenning geoff@cs.hmc.edu http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~geoff/
If a person is obviously mentally disabled, such as having Down's
syndrome or Alzheimer's, decent people treat them with sympathy and
understanding. So why, if someone merely has a low IQ, are they
treated with ridicule and contempt?
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