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[hylafax-devel] Re: SYSVINIT Was: missing parts of security-patch.sh

On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, Robert Colquhoun wrote:

> At 05:46 PM 6/17/00 -0700, Andy Sparrow wrote:
> >Namely:
> >
> >i)      Testing shell variables that may not be set is dangerous,
> >         e.g.:
> >
> >         if [ -f $SYSINIT ]
> >         ...
> >
> >         is dodgy if 'SYSVINIT' is never set.
> SYSVINIT should *always* be set.  Though looking at configure it seems this 
> has somehow being mucked up....and the Makefile in the etc directory seems 
> broken now too.

I remember having to make some corrections to sysv-init-patch.sh when
it came out to make it work.
Then I made a few changes that I consider improvements on Nico's good work.
Given there there are so many different systems out there, I feel that
the more things that are easily configurable tha better. So I added
a few configure options. Here are the relevent lins from config.site

#SYSVINIT="auto"                # install SysV-style init support (auto|yes|no)
#DIR_SYSVINIT="/etc/init.d"     # location of SysV-style init script
#DIR_SYSVINITSTART="../rc2.d"   # location of SysV-style start script
#DIR_SYSVINITSTOP="../rc0.d"    # location of SysV-style stop script
#NAME_SYSVINITSTART="S80fax"    # name of SysV-style start script
#NAME_SYSVINITSTOP="K80fax"     # name of SysV-style stop script

If anyone is interested, I'll make a patch for 4.1

Speaking of configurable options, I propose adding to Robert's 
FAXQ_SERVER=1, & HFAXD_SERVER=1 changes to faxsetup.sh.in and hylafax.in
and have the following configure time options.

#FAXQ_SERVER=yes                # init script starts faxq
#HFAXD_SERVER=yes               # init script starts hfaxd
#HFAXD_OLD_PROTOCOL=no          # don't start old protocol
#HFAXD_SNPP_SERVER=no           # don't start paging protocol


Tim Rice				Multitalents	(707) 874-1130

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