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[hylafax-devel] Re: Security patches for hylafax-v4.0pl2
Arjan Knepper <arjan@jak.nl> writes:
> > > > IMHO it is better to spend some time learning how to this in C++
> > > > than start right away fixing this with acient C-style
> > > > programming.
> > >
> > >Personally I already know how to work with STL strings, containers,
> > >iterators, and iostreams :-) But I am not going to rewrite string handling
> AFAIK there is no STL no Templates (but there are some marco's)
> and no Execption Handling (but there are some 'goto's' used to do
> the same) in the hylafax source tree.
You are absolutely right. Indeed, Sam did not use any standard C++ template
classes (they were not standard 5 years ago), and created his fxStr,
fxArray, fxStackBuffer etc. from scratch. But should we freese this
forever? STL classes are *much* more robust and effective, so if somebody
is going to rewrite string handling using basic_string (and get rid of
sprintf() and Co), I just would be quite happy :-) BTW, STL now works even
with the older compilers -- see www.stlport.org
> With a basic understanding
> of C++ one should be able to read and understand most parts of
> the source.
For understanding current Hylafax sources -- yes. But if anybody is going
to be real C++ programmer ... :-)
Hope to hear from you soon,
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