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[hylafax-devel] First step for a free TIFF-Printer driver for Windows NT?

i found this page on the web (german only)


As far as i understand this piece of software is a rasterizer 
and can generate bitmap data from printing output produced 
by windows applications. This data is saved to a file.
Currently only windows specific bitmap formats are supported.

It is not a driver but a part of the windows 32bit printing system.
It needs some type of graphics printer driver to work with.

The software is under GPL.

The author told me that he will have a look at www.libtiff.org to 
see how much effort it will be to integrate TIFF support.

W9x will not be supported by the author, maybe someone else can?
The code will have to be modified for 16bit printing system of W9x.

W2k is not supported yet, but the author will work at this "issue".

Maybe this information is helpfull for someone out there to create 
a TIFF-printer driver?


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