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[hylafax-devel] Re: Bug#:10885 (resent due to lack of feedback)

On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 11:27:03PM -0400, Darren Nickerson wrote:
>   Nalin> I'd recommend specifying 'Requires: libtiff >= 3.5.5' in the HylaFAX
>   Nalin> .spec file once we get the update out.
> I've been dying to do just that for awhile now. Any idea when the update might 
> be 'blessed'? Thanks for getting back to me!

No problem.  They've been tested (and actually, they should've popped up
in the last Raw Hide refresh), and are awaiting signing and pushing out
to the FTP servers.  I need to get after someone to sign them -- not
everyone on the dev team can.


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