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[hylafax-devel] Re: Bug#:10885 (resent due to lack of feedback)
>>>>> On Mon, 22 May 2000, "Nalin" == Nalin Dahyabhai wrote:
Nalin> On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 01:22:02AM -0400, Darren Nickerson wrote:
+> Anyway, we'd like to address this with a new RPM for RedHat-6.x. We can't
+> do this unless you (RedHat) release an updated libtiff. Adding it to
+> rawhide (which you have done) is fine, but we can't endorse the use of the
+> 3.5.4 release in the current distribution, specifically because of the bug
+> you corrected in the above URL.
+> How to proceed? Thanks!
Nalin> I'm working on getting 3.5.5 released as a bug fix errata for 6.1 and
Nalin> 6.2, which should resolve this. The packages are in the pipeline, so
Nalin> to speak.
Good to hear from you again Nalin. Great news, since this is the only real
solution to our trubbles here in Hyla-land ;-)
Nalin> I'd recommend specifying 'Requires: libtiff >= 3.5.5' in the HylaFAX
Nalin> .spec file once we get the update out.
I've been dying to do just that for awhile now. Any idea when the update might
be 'blessed'? Thanks for getting back to me!
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