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[hylafax-devel] Re: Modem Reset Commands

Nico Kadel-Garcia <raoul@adsl-151-203-22-73.bellatlantic.net> writes:

> > Seems we have finally reached consensus :-) So you are agree now with
> > explicit ModemSoftResetCmd (ATZ), issued *before* any other initialization
> > activity? Who else is against it? :-)))
> Works for me. Can we gracefully make it something like "ATZ\nAT&F" in order
> to restore the modem to the factory default, or do we have a separate
> AT&F slipped in elsewhere?

Personally I am against it. I like to store some site-specific values
(e.g. TX level, required for the specific telco line) and don't write them
to init strings of each and every application. Also take into account that
Hylafax sets *all* parameters needed for correct faxing itself. Anyway, if 
someone really needs AT&F, he/she can easily add it to ModemResetCmds

> My concern is the potential misconfiguration
> by other applications, restored by an ATZ.

ATZ state is automatically restored
a) after power-on
b) after DTR drop

So if your (or someone's else) installation works now, it will also work
after explicit ATZ in the beginning. Nothing will change. What should we
test? (I also reply here to your parallel message)

Hope to hear from you soon,

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