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[hylafax-devel] Re: My RH6.2 RPM hack & Q: Failure to train at2400 bps or +FMINSP value
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Dr. Harald Pollack wrote:
> On Wed, 17 May 2000 17:05:09 -0400 (EDT), Robert Hardy wrote:
> >I keep trying to send a fax out but it keeps failing. Does anyone have any
> >ideas what I can try next or where the fault lies?
> >
> >"Your facsimile job to 19059478568 failed because: Failure to train at 2400
> >bps or +FMINSP value; Giving up after 3 attempts to send same page"
> The called faxmachine send a DIS frame, which could misinterpreted by some
> Class 2/2.0 faxmodems:
> It is a sign, that receiver has both inch and metric based resolution! A
> lot of class 2 (and maybe some class 2.0 too) modems do not quite
> understand such DIS parameters and will fail (in your case training).
> Try another modem ...
Will attempting class 1 w/ the same modem in this case make any difference?
You will excuse my ignorance on this topic. I have never found a good
explanation of class 1 vs. class 2/2.0 which clearly defined the
consequences/advantages of using class 1. From what I have read, I deduced
(perhaps incorrectly) that class 1 was a bit like using a winmodem. They are
ok if your computer isn't doing alot of other things while you are using it
or if you have a real time operating system which can guarantee enough time
to the modem but when things get hairy you want hardware implementation.
----------------"Linux the choice of a GNU Generation!"-----------------
Robert Hardy C.E.O. Webcon Inc.
rhardy@webcon.net PGP Key available by finger (613) 276-6206
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