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[hylafax-devel] Re: Modem Reset Commands
Steve Williams <steve@genie96.com> writes:
> That's fine, I just don't rely on knowing what state the modem is going to
> be in when I turn it on.
> I always make sure I program the modem the way I need it programmed for
> the particular thing I am using the modem for.
> For example, I need to put the modem into data mode before I dial out for
> a UUCP connection to a client. I don't rely on the modem being in data
> mode, I explicitly set it in my dial string at+fclass=0. I don't rely
> on result codes being on, or verbose... I set those explicitly so
> that my UUCP dialer script will work properly.
> Similarily, HylaFAX has to do the same thing.
Hylafax itself does all this stuff even when your custom init string
(ModemResetCmds) is empty (Harald claims that it even "overconfigures" the
modem :-))
> Sure, do the ATZ to reset
> the data pump, but then set all paramaters that are necessary for a fax
> to be sent successfully ( or received )
> If dropping dtr ( &D3 ) resets the modem to the ATZ state, then everything
> still works, because I don't make ANY assumptions on what the ATZ state is.
> That's all..not a big deal, we both agree fundamentally...
Seems we have finally reached consensus :-) So you are agree now with
explicit ModemSoftResetCmd (ATZ), issued *before* any other initialization
activity? Who else is against it? :-)))
Hope to hear from you soon,
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