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[hylafax-devel] Re: Modem Reset Commands


We are listening!!

It took a bit of correspondance back and forth for it to become clear from 
you that ATZ reset the data pump.

Also, the fact that you were/are advocating relying on the ATZ setting the
modem to a KNOWN state muddied the waters a bit as well.

I haven't seen anyone argue against using the ATZ once it became clear that
it does MORE than just program the modem to the NVRAM settings ( which was
my understanding prior to this whole conversation ).

Anything that can be done to reset the modem to a know state is good.

ATZ followed by reinitializing paramaters seems to be an excellent way to

> joel.peshkin@conexant.com writes:
> > > HOWEVER, if the ATZ resets the data pump, then I am all for it.
> > > BUT...the state of the modem after the ATZ MUST BE SUSPECT.. if a user
> > > ( via cu, minicom, etc ) has set the modem to something & done an AT&W
> > 
> > > I just like to make this real clear...  In a fax only environent, where
> > > HylaFAX is the only thing accessing the modem, relying on ATZ would
> > > be acceptable.
> > 
> > 
> > I have occasion to run modems made by dozens of manufacturers thorugh
> > thousands of calls.   On many, there are accumulations of problems that are
> > cleared up by doing an ATZ.  I would suggest using an ATZ on a regular
> > basis and then reinitializing parameters after the ATZ.  This is sort of
> > like rebootinjg your windows machine once a week for good measure :-) Some
> > modems reset the data pump every hangup, but I would not rely on all
> > manufacturers doing this.
> Yes!!! That's exactly what I am trying to explain for about a month, but
> noone is going to believe me :-(
> Hope to hear from you soon,
> Dmitry

	Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
	Genie Computer Systems Inc.

"A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is 
 no longer indispensable."
- Admiral Richard E. Byrd ( 1888-1957 )

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