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[hylafax-devel] Suggestion: 0 page fax sent = FAILURE

Could we attempt to get hylafax to return a FAILURE if it sees a successfully
sent zero page fax? 

This usually means that part of the system didn't understand the postscript
file passed to it. Perhaps stating this would be useful.


----------------"Linux the choice of a GNU Generation!"-----------------
Robert Hardy                                          C.E.O. Webcon Inc.
rhardy@webcon.net      PGP Key available by finger        (613) 276-6206

---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 17:12:35 -0400
>From: Facsimile Agent <x@webcon.net>
>To: rhardy@x
>Subject: facsimile job 4 to x completed

Your facsimile job to 1905xxxxxxx was completed successfully.

         Pages: 0
       Quality: Fine
    Page Width: 200 (mm)
   Page Length: 264 (mm)
   Signal Rate: 9600 bit/s
   Data Format: 2-D MMR
Submitted From: x
         JobID: 4
       GroupID: 4
        CommID: c00000016

Processing time was 0:28.

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