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[hylafax-devel] Re: ["Dr. Harald Pollack" <Harald.Pollack@datanews.at>] Re: Re: My RTN patch and many other changes/enhancements, thOR

Nico Kadel-Garcia <raoul@adsl-151-203-22-73.bellatlantic.net> writes:

> > > OK, AT&FZ then.
> > 
> > ??? ATZ will overwrite all AT&F settings. Maybe you mean ATZ&F? Not
> > acceptable, because  many modems ignore everything after ATZ, and useless,
> > because Hylafax sets all necessary parameters itself (via appropriate FAX
> > MODE commands).
> Yeah. "Strike that: reverse it."
> The difficulty is that it is possible to embed such an oddball setting
> in the ATZ restored configurations that HylaFAX would have
> considerable difficulty restoring it.

In this case ATZ OK AT&F OK won't work also (&F in ATZ&F is ignored by
many modems). If you are so afraid of ATZ, imagine, that the previous
application executed ATZ and left the modem in this (you assume extremely
odd) state. Hylafax will not be able to initialize modem with ANY init
string. Moreover, most templates from current Hylafax distribution contain
NO ModemResetCmds parameter, i.e. modem is not reset at all. But it does
not bother you...

> > > The difficulty with ATZ is that there are numerous
> > > settings that are restored on ATZ that may be locally configured into
> > > extremely odd and wacky patterns that get restored on the next
> > > ATZ. Not good, and not reliable.
> > 
> > What exactly? Fax operation does not depend on most data mode setting,
> > stored in NVRAM. Do you also know that after supplying the power modem
> > silently executes ATZ (automatically loads first user profile)? So if you
> > manage to store something extremely odd, your modem simply won't work at
> > all :-)
> Strange locked down data terminal speeds and settings and other
> oddnesses that can prevent HylaFAX from actually communicating with
> the modem without a restoration to more standard settings. I'm not
> saying it's likely, just possible.

Then the modem will be totally unusable from any application (I explained
above why). The only solution: immediately fire the sysadmin :-)

You do not want to understand me. Ok, I will not discuss this topic
anymore. I will *include* these changes to my patch. Hylafax's behaviour
will conform to the CURRENT "config" manual:

Tag                     Type    Default Description
ModemResetCmds          string  -       additional commands when resetting modem
ModemSoftResetCmd       string  ATZ     command for doing a soft reset
A string of commands to issue to the modem during initialization.
This string is sent to the modem before the standard set of configuration
commands required by the fax server. Note that these commands should not
include normal reset commands that are specified through other
parameters. For example, commands to setup flow control, DCD handling, DTR
handling, etc. should be specified through the appropriate configuration
parameters and not through this parameter. In addition the soft reset
command (usually ``ATZ'') should not be included in this string; the
servers issue this command explicitly. ModemSoftResetCmd The command to
force a soft reset of the modem.

The command to force a soft reset of the modem.
> > > > Do you realise that the current default is *no* flow control at all? (man
> > > > config over and over again!)
> > > 
> > > This man page is incorrect. Read the hylafax/config/skel file in the
> > > CVS sources.  The default is actually rtscts.
> > 
> > Is my english so bad? Over and over again: if ModemFlowControl parameter
> > IS NOT PRESENT in config.<device>, Hylafax will use NO FLOW CONTROL default:
> ModemFlowControl is present in the "skel" file, which I thought
> was parsed at runtime. Apparently not!

Unbelievable! I know other very secret thing: faxaddmodem is not called at
runtime! :-))

Hope to hear from you soon,

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