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[hylafax-devel] Re: ["Dr. Harald Pollack" <Harald.Pollack@datanews.at>]Re: Re: My RTN patch and many other changes/enhancements, thOR
On 15 Apr 2000, Dmitry Bely wrote:
> > OK, AT&FZ then.
> ??? ATZ will overwrite all AT&F settings. Maybe you mean ATZ&F? Not
> acceptable, because many modems ignore everything after ATZ, and useless,
> because Hylafax sets all necessary parameters itself (via appropriate FAX
> MODE commands).
Yeah. "Strike that: reverse it."
The difficulty is that it is possible to embed such an oddball setting
in the ATZ restored configurations that HylaFAX would have
considerable difficulty restoring it.
> > The difficulty with ATZ is that there are numerous
> > settings that are restored on ATZ that may be locally configured into
> > extremely odd and wacky patterns that get restored on the next
> > ATZ. Not good, and not reliable.
> What exactly? Fax operation does not depend on most data mode setting,
> stored in NVRAM. Do you also know that after supplying the power modem
> silently executes ATZ (automatically loads first user profile)? So if you
> manage to store something extremely odd, your modem simply won't work at
> all :-)
Strange locked down data terminal speeds and settings and other
oddnesses that can prevent HylaFAX from actually communicating with
the modem without a restoration to more standard settings. I'm not
saying it's likely, just possible.
> > > Do you realise that the current default is *no* flow control at all? (man
> > > config over and over again!)
> >
> > This man page is incorrect. Read the hylafax/config/skel file in the
> > CVS sources. The default is actually rtscts.
> Is my english so bad? Over and over again: if ModemFlowControl parameter
> IS NOT PRESENT in config.<device>, Hylafax will use NO FLOW CONTROL default:
ModemFlowControl is present in the "skel" file, which I thought
was parsed at runtime. Apparently not!
Nico Kadel-Garcia
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