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[hylafax-devel] Remote fax identification by NSF frame -- I need your help!
As you possibly know :-), I have written NSF decoding routines for Hylafax,
identifing remote fax equipment and remote station ID. They are supposed to
be integrated into Hylafax 4.1 beta 3 and needed to catch some unobvious
bugs in Hylafax, demonstrating themselves only with some specific remote
equipment (like unfamous RTN bug with Canon fax machines). So I need your
help to get NSF signatures for as many fax machines in use as possible :-)
If you send a fax to the fax machine, whose manufacturer/model is known for
you, could you mail me some information about if from the session
log. E.g. suppose it is Samsung SF-2010 and you see in your log:
Apr 13 10:31:32.61: [26695]: DIAL 1739283
Apr 13 10:31:32.61: [26695]: <-- [9:ATDT9w1739283\r]
Apr 13 10:31:54.06: [26695]: --> [4:+FCO]
Apr 13 10:31:54.76: [26695]: --> [28:+FNF:86 00 8C 00 00 01 00 ]
Apr 13 10:31:54.76: [26695]: REMOTE NSF "86 00 8C 00 00 01 00"
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: --> [27:+FCI:" "]
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: REMOTE CSI ""
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: --> [20:+FIS:1,1,0,2,1,0,0,4]
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: --> [2:OK]
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: REMOTE best rate 4800 bit/s
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: REMOTE max page width 1728 pixels in 215 mm
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: REMOTE max unlimited page length
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: REMOTE best vres 7.7 line/mm
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: REMOTE best format 2-D MR
Apr 13 10:31:55.04: [26695]: REMOTE best 20 ms, 10 ms/scanline
Then please send me (or to the list) the following:
Phone no. : +7 095 1739283
Manufacturer: Samsung
Model : SF-2010
NSF : "86 00 8C 00 00 01 00"
Phone number is optional, but highly desired. I promise not to overuse
it (and it will not be present in the sources) -- maybe I will only send
a couple of test pages there if I cannot find the other way to reproduce some
future bug :-)
Hope to hear from you soon,
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