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[hylafax-devel] Re: hylafax-devel: Re: My RTN patch and many other changes/enhancements, third edition :-)
thanks for your answer!
> > > 5. Class1 post-page-handling code corrected. In case of RTN
> it behaves the
> > > same (correct) way as in Class2/2.0. (faxd/Class1Send.c++)
> > can you please describe the symptoms of these errors?
> [---cut---]
> case FCF_RTN: // nak, retry after retraining
> if ((++ntrys % 2) == 0) {
> /*
> * Drop to a lower signalling rate and retry.
> */
> if (params.br == BR_2400) {
> emsg = "Unable to transmit page"
> " (NAK at all possible signalling rates)";
> return (send_retry);
> }
> --params.br;
> curcap = NULL; // force sendTraining to reselect
> }
> if (!sendTraining(params, 3, emsg))
> return (send_retry);
> morePages = true; // force continuation
> next = params; // avoid retraining above
> break;
> [---cut---]
> This is *nonsense*. Why "if ((++ntrys % 2) == 0)" ??? Why handle RTN
> differently for Class1 and Class2/2.0 ??? I do not know who wrote the code
> above, but definitely not Sam Leffler :-)
maybe some lines of this code come from the reduce_speed patch at
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