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[hylafax-devel] Re: faxq maxing out CPU - let's crack this!!!!!
Attached is a patch so that hylafax works with tiff 3.5. The tiff
maintainers changed a few of the internal interfaces to achieve large run
lengths (from 16 to 32 bits). Hylafax uses one of libtiffs header
files(faxd/tif_fax3.h) for some undocumented macros and interfaces and was
only expecting 16 bits, and broke.
I successfully sent one fax with this patch and libtiff 3.5...anything more
complicated might or might not work ;-)
- Robert
Index: CopyQuality.c+
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/CopyQuality.c++,
retrieving revision 1.
diff -u -r1.4 CopyQuality.c+
--- CopyQuality.c++ 1999/09/02 10:16:22 1.
+++ CopyQuality.c++ 2000/03/22 12:32:0
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @
setupDecoder(conf.recvFillOrder, params.is2D())
u_int rowpixels = params.pageWidth(); // NB: assume rowpixels <= 243
- uint16 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
+ uint32 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
setRuns(runs, runs+2432, rowpixels)
recvEOLCount = 0; // count of EOL code
Index: G3Decoder.c+
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/G3Decoder.c++,
retrieving revision 1.
diff -u -r1.2 G3Decoder.c+
--- G3Decoder.c++ 1999/06/13 07:41:03 1.
+++ G3Decoder.c++ 2000/03/22 12:32:0
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @
int a0; /* reference element */
int RunLength; /* length of current run */
- uint16* pa; /* place to stuff next run */
- uint16* thisrun; /* current row's run array */
+ uint32* pa; /* place to stuff next run */
+ uint32* thisrun; /* current row's run array */
const TIFFFaxTabEnt* TabEn
#define DECLARE_STATE_2D()
int b1; /* next change on prev line */
- uint16* pb /* next run in reference line *
+ uint32* pb /* next run in reference line *
* Load any state that may be changed during decoding
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @
-G3Decoder::setRuns(uint16* cr, uint16* rr, int w
+G3Decoder::setRuns(uint32* cr, uint32* rr, int w
curruns = cr
if (refruns = rr)
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @
u_int rowbytes = howmany(w, 8)
if (curruns == NULL)
- uint16 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
+ uint32 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
setRuns(runs, runs+2432, w)
while (h-- > 0)
decodeRow(raster, w)
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @
_TIFFFax3fillruns((u_char*) scanline, thisrun, pa, lastx)
if (is2D)
SETVAL(0); // imaginary change for referenc
- SWAP(uint16*, curruns, refruns)
+ SWAP(uint32*, curruns, refruns)
Index: G3Decoder.
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/G3Decoder.h,
retrieving revision 1.
diff -u -r1.2 G3Decoder.
--- G3Decoder.h 1999/06/13 07:41:03 1.
+++ G3Decoder.h 2000/03/22 12:32:0
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @
int RTCrun; // count of consecutive zero-length row
int rowref; // reference count of rows decode
int RTCrow; // row number of start of RT
- uint16* refruns; // runs for reference lin
- uint16* curruns; // runs for current lin
+ uint32* refruns; // runs for reference lin
+ uint32* curruns; // runs for current lin
const u_char* bitmap; // bit reversal tabl
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @
virtual ~G3Decoder()
void setupDecoder(u_int fillorder, bool is2D)
- void setRuns(uint16*, uint16*, int)
- uint16* lastRuns()
+ void setRuns(uint32*, uint32*, int)
+ uint32* lastRuns()
void decode(void* raster, u_int w, u_int h)
bool decodeRow(void* scanline, u_int w)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @
#define EOFraised() (sigsetjmp(jmpEOF, 0) != 0
#define RTCraised() (sigsetjmp(jmpRTC, 0) != 0
-inline uint16* G3Decoder::lastRuns() { return is2D ? refruns : curruns;
+inline uint32* G3Decoder::lastRuns() { return is2D ? refruns : curruns;
inline const u_char* G3Decoder::getBitmap() { return bitmap;
inline int G3Decoder::getPendingBits() const { return bit;
inline bool G3Decoder::seenRTC() const { return (RTCrow != -1);
Index: TagLine.c+
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/TagLine.c++,
retrieving revision 1.
diff -u -r1.4 TagLine.c+
--- TagLine.c++ 1999/08/23 11:19:34 1.
+++ TagLine.c++ 2000/03/22 12:32:1
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @
TagLineMemoryDecoder dec(buf)
dec.setupDecoder(fillorder, params.is2D())
- uint16 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
+ uint32 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
dec.setRuns(runs, runs+2432, w)
dec.decode(NULL, w, th); // discard decoded dat
Index: choptest.c+
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/choptest.c++,
retrieving revision 1.
diff -u -r1.2 choptest.c+
--- choptest.c++ 1999/06/13 07:41:05 1.
+++ choptest.c++ 2000/03/22 12:32:1
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @
static boo
-isBlank(uint16* runs, u_int rowpixels
+isBlank(uint32* runs, u_int rowpixels
u_int x = 0
for (;;)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @
setupDecoder(fillorder, params.is2D())
u_int rowpixels = params.pageWidth(); // NB: assume rowpixels <= 243
- uint16 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
+ uint32 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
setRuns(runs, runs+2432, rowpixels)
if (!RTCraised())
Index: cqtest.c+
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/cqtest.c++,
retrieving revision 1.
diff -u -r1.4 cqtest.c+
--- cqtest.c++ 1999/09/02 10:16:22 1.
+++ cqtest.c++ 2000/03/22 12:32:1
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @
setupDecoder(recvFillOrder, params.is2D())
u_int rowpixels = params.pageWidth(); // NB: assume rowpixels <= 243
- uint16 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
+ uint32 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
setRuns(runs, runs+2432, rowpixels)
recvEOLCount = 0; // count of EOL code
Index: faxQueueApp.c+
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/faxQueueApp.c++,
retrieving revision 1.
diff -u -r1.7 faxQueueApp.c+
--- faxQueueApp.c++ 2000/03/08 13:44:06 1.
+++ faxQueueApp.c++ 2000/03/22 12:32:4
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @
static boo
-isBlank(uint16* runs, u_int rowpixels
+isBlank(uint32* runs, u_int rowpixels
u_int x = 0
for (;;)
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @
setupDecoder(fillorder, params.is2D())
u_int rowpixels = params.pageWidth(); // NB: assume rowpixels <= 243
- uint16 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
+ uint32 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
setRuns(runs, runs+2432, rowpixels)
if (!RTCraised())
Index: tagtest.c+
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/tagtest.c++,
retrieving revision 1.
diff -u -r1.4 tagtest.c+
--- tagtest.c++ 1999/08/23 11:19:35 1.
+++ tagtest.c++ 2000/03/22 12:32:4
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @
MemoryDecoder dec(buf)
dec.setupDecoder(fillorder, params.is2D())
- uint16 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
+ uint32 runs[2*2432]; // run arrays for cur+ref row
dec.setRuns(runs, runs+2432, w)
u_int row
Index: tif_fax3.
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/faxd/tif_fax3.h,
retrieving revision 1.1.1.
diff -u -r1.1.1.1 tif_fax3.
--- tif_fax3.h 1998/10/12 20:47:49 1.1.1.
+++ tif_fax3.h 2000/03/22 12:32:5
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @
-/* $Id: tif_fax3.h,v 1998/10/12 20:47:49 root Exp $ *
+/* $Id: tif_fax3.h,v 1.2 1999/09/17 04:08:59 mwelles Exp $ *
- * Copyright (c) 1990-1996 Sam Leffle
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc
+ * Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Sam Leffle
+ * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and
* its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provide
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @
* The routine must have the type signature given below
* for example
- * fillruns(unsigned char* buf, uint16* runs, uint16* erun, uint32 lastx
+ * fillruns(unsigned char* buf, uint32* runs, uint32* erun, uint32 lastx
* where buf is place to set the bits, runs is the array of b&w ru
* lengths (white then black), erun is the last run in the array, an
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @
* data in the run array as needed (e.g. to append zero runs to brin
* the count up to a nice multiple)
-typedef void (*TIFFFaxFillFunc)(unsigned char*, uint16*, uint16*, uint32)
+typedef void (*TIFFFaxFillFunc)(unsigned char*, uint32*, uint32*, uint32)
* The default run filler; made external for other decoders
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @
#if defined(__cplusplus
extern "C"
-extern void _TIFFFax3fillruns(unsigned char*, uint16*, uint16*, uint32)
+extern void _TIFFFax3fillruns(unsigned char*, uint32*, uint32*, uint32)
#if defined(__cplusplus
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @
typedef struct { /* state table entry *
unsigned char State; /* see above *
unsigned char Width; /* width of code in bits *
- uint16 Param; /* unsigned 16-bit run length in bits *
+ uint32 Param; /* unsigned 32-bit run length in bits *
} TIFFFaxTabEnt
extern const TIFFFaxTabEnt TIFFFaxMainTable[]