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[hylafax-devel] Re: /bin/stty: standard input: unable to perform all requested operations

Darren wrote:
> This diagnostic is annoying and will trouble the average punter. Can we
> the underlying problem?

Removing line 773 of faxaddmodem.sh works for me - tested with Multitech
and SupraExpress modems on a RedHat 6.0 clone Linux distribution. The
stty source (part of the sh-utils rpm) hasn't changed for years so I
suspect the Linux 2.2 kernel has introduced this message.

If this is the case, then a better solution would be to test the $TARGET
varible and only skip line 773 if it is Linux.

------------------%<-------------CUT HERE----------------%<-------------
# faxaddmodem.patch by Phil Watkinson 18-Mar-00
# one line patch to remove warning message ' /bin/stty: standard input:'
*** faxaddmodem.sh.in.orig Thu Jul 15 17:52:53 1999
--- faxaddmodem.sh.in Sat Mar 18 22:22:00 2000
*** 770,776 ****
      sleep 1     # wait for previous kill
-     onDev $STTY 0; sleep 1   # reset the modem (hopefully)
        # start listening for output
      onDev -c "$STTY clocal && exec $CAT $tdev"; sleep 2
--- 770,775 ----
------------------%<-------------CUT HERE----------------%<-------------


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