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[hylafax-devel] Re: Endless RTN -- seems to be fixed now!

At 01:02 AM 3/19/00 +0000, Darren Nickerson wrote:

> >>>>> On 11 Mar 2000, "Dmitry" == Dmitry Bely wrote:
>   Dmitry> I am glad to inform you that after a couple of days of hard work I
>   Dmitry> found a bug which caused infamous "endless RTN" problem. There is
>   Dmitry> special - Hylafax just violated T.4/T.class2 protocol specs :-)
>   Dmitry> To be more specific, T.4/T.class2 (Class 2.0 standard) defines the
>   Dmitry> following format for the Phase C data (core of G3 fax protocol):
>[snip details of protocol violation]
>Folks, aside from "Bernd Proissl" <news@proissl.de>, has anyone checked
>Dmitry's work?? If his analysis is correct, this is FANTASTIC! work, and may
>well resolve one of the longest running issues with HylaFAX . . . the dreaded
>RTN frequency.

Yes i have looked at it - the problem is the patch assumes that each 
tiff/g3 page has the RTC characters appended to it which is not necessarily 
true.  Each page should be checked, by looking  at the last few characters 
to see whether the RTC chars are present.

PS I am glad someone else is looking at this i have had this problem on my 
todo list since the end of 
1998(http://www.hylafax.org/archive/1998-12/msg00015.html) but have not had 
any time to do anything about it :-(

- Robert

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