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[hylafax-devel] Re: faxq maxing out CPU - let's crack this!!!!!

At 02:42 AM 3/19/00 +0000, Darren Nickerson wrote:

>As may of you know, the latest release of Sam Leffler's libtiff (now
>maintained by the great people at http://www.libtiff.org) broke HylaFAX(tm).
>Not too much of a problem for us until RedHat decided to adopt the new 
>and release update RPMs for RedHat-6.1 (Cartman). Now we're in deep deep
>trouble, and it's essential that we resolve this issue - as far as I know 
>the only MAJOR problem holding back a release of hylafax-4.1-beta3.

The true 'deep deep trouble' is that the C++ code hylafax consists of is of 
such average quality that only a handful of programmers are able to 
understand it....this is just a symptom.

There are a couple of other patches needed before 4.1beta3 is done - a suse 
patch to discard ip-source routed packets and a fix to the manpage script 
to prevent a gaping security hole, and probably others i have forgotten about.

>I sat down today and recreated the bug. It's easy to do . . . just install a
>build of the current HylaFAX CVS onto vanilla RedHat, then upgrade libtiff to:
>[darren@ducent darren]$ rpm -qa | egrep tiff
>I set strace up on each of the relevant processes, and then submitted a fax,
>and watched. Sure enough, the fax was submitted and processing began (sendfax
>exited cleanly) and faxq ended up maxing out CPU, leaving hylafax completely
>hung and unresponsive, yet not making any syscalls. In fact, once the hang 
>initiated, the strace output did not grow at all.

Using a debugger the problem is in the EXPAND1D macro in faxd/tif_fax3.h 

It is looping continuously in the for loop starting at line 341 to 359

Somehow: TabEnt->State = S_MakeUpB, a0 = 0, RunLength = 0 and TabEnt->Param = 0

(section of code starting at line 341)
         for (;;) {                                                      \
             LOOKUP16(13, TIFFFaxBlackTable, eof1d);                     \
             switch (TabEnt->State) {                                    \
             case S_EOL:                                                 \
                 EOLcnt = 1;                                             \
                 goto done1d;                                            \
             case S_TermB:                                               \
                 SETVAL(TabEnt->Param);                                  \
                 goto doneBlack1d;                                       \
             case S_MakeUpB:                                             \
             case S_MakeUp:                                              \
                 a0 += TabEnt->Param;                                    \
                 RunLength += TabEnt->Param;                             \
                 break;                                                  \
             default:                                                    \
                 unexpected("BlackTable", a0);                           \
                 goto done1d;                                            \
             }                                                           \

Possibly something funny is happening in the LOOKUP16 function, or perhaps 
earlier there is an error that leads to this situation.

PS I am having trouble debugging this - nested defines which expand to 
hundreds of lines of code, many variables, goto's all over the place...its 
as if the author saw hell in a dream, then woke up and had to write about 
it and the result is this code!

- Robert

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