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[hylafax-devel] Re: Endless RTN -- seems to be fixed now!

thanks again for your help!

> BTW, which fax machine was on the other side?
It was sold from our major german telephone company but they do not
manufacture it themselves. as far as i can remember it is an oki, but i am
shure that i "eats"
Canon BX-3 Cartriges.
let me know if it is important to you, and i will find out the brand.

> Could you mail me this file (rasterized TIFF, which Hylafax is trying to
> send) as an attachment? I'd like to look on its structure.
Where is this file located? I am pretty shure you know this.
(it is generated from a tectfile via sendfax "-n -d xx /etc/vimrc")

> Could you also
> 1. Try 1D-encoding (etc/config:     use2d:  no)
RTN still there!  (i used sendfax -n -1 -d xx textfile,  "USE 1-D MR"
appeared in logfile)

> 2. Revert faxd/G3Encoder.c++ to its original state (two other
> diffs should be
> applied) -- maybe I fixed there an unexisted bug. Don't forget to remove
> G3Encoder.o (or make clean) otherwise it won't be recompiled.
i ran patch -R to get the original G3Encoder.
2D: RTN still there :-(
1D: RTN still there :-((

> Don't give up! Surely we will eliminate this nasty bug together :-)
I'll do what i can to help you!

How can i make shure that i really run the correct executables (those
including you patches)?
Which executable are modified from your patches?


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