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[hylafax-devel] Re: Endless RTN -- seems to be fixed now!
this is from your patch:
+ * Method of deleting RTC is not quite correct
+ * since RTC may not present in the TIFF
+ * file (if the TIFF was not Hylafax-generated).
What exactly do you mean with "if the TIFF was not Hylafax-generated"?
What exactly is a hylafax generated tiff? Is it a tiff generated from
ghostscript which was called by hylafax?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hylafax-devel-bounce@hylafax.org
> [mailto:hylafax-devel-bounce@hylafax.org]On Behalf Of Dmitry Bely
> Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 10:07 PM
> To: flexfax@sgi.com; hylafax-devel@hylafax.org
> Cc: news@proissl.de
> Subject: [hylafax-devel] Endless RTN -- seems to be fixed now!
> I am glad to inform you that after a couple of days of hard work I have
> found a bug which caused infamous "endless RTN" problem. There is nothing
> special - Hylafax just violated T.4/T.class2 protocol specs :-)
> To be more specific, T.4/T.class2 (Class 2.0 standard) defines the
> following format for the Phase C data (core of G3 fax protocol):
> <EOL>
> <1-st encoded raw>
> <EOL>
> <2-nd encoded raw>
> <EOL>
> ...
> <last encoded raw>
> <RTC>
> <DLE><EOP>
> But Hylafax generates:
> <EOL> \
> <1-st encoded raw> \
> <EOL> \
> <2-nd encoded raw> \ from Hylafax-generated g3 TIFF contains it
> <EOL> /
> ... /
> <last encoded raw> /
> <RTC> /
> <RTC> -- sendRTC()
> <DLE><EOP>
> (not always -- just when no chopping happened. See the attached
> patches for
> details).
> As you can see, RTC is transmitted twice, and it may cause missing of the
> RTC/EOP and generating RTN/other transmission errors by the remote fax
> machine. Endless RTN (and possibly other unidentified errors) is here.
> Well, the attached patches seems to fix that. They are still experimental
> and possibly incomplete, but they work for me (tested with Zyxel 1496E in
> Class 2.0 mode). A Panasonic BX780 fax machine, connected to the server
> via PBX, i.e. directly, now successfully generates MCF (always responded
> with RTN before). Could you, folks, check if they work for you also.
> Any comments are always welcome,
> Hope to hear from you soon,
> Dmitry
> P.S. I am also going to publish tsi processing bug fixes (after some
> testing). Stay tuned :-)
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