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[hylafax-devel] Re: CVS brokenness

On  1 Mar, Steve Williams wrote:
> Hi All,
> Maybe someone with eyeballs more open than mine can spot the problem easily
> here...I can't figure out what is trying to be done....
> tis late...and I'm going to print this out & go home, no point in getting
> a bruise.....on my forehead....
> So, the code that is causing the problem compiling BoolArray.c++
> The only place I can find the "other" that is used here is in the fxObj 
> class...and there is a fxObj::dec as well, so it would seem to fit..??
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> class      fxBoolArray       Ptr   {


Hm, seeing that, it's easy...

It should be:

class fxBoolArrayPtr {

Aidan Van Dyk                                        Create like a god,
aidan@highrise.ca                                  command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                              work like a slave.

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