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[hylafax-devel] Re: CVS brokenness
On 2 Mar, Robert Colquhoun wrote:
> At 02:02 AM 3/2/00 +0000, Darren Nickerson wrote:
>>Can't anyone suggest a fix for the current syntax error compiling
>>util/BoolArray.c++? Is C++ really that hard?
> It might not be a syntax error, there are some hacks to add a namespace to
> the classes(the Ptr.h) and it seems to be breaking around there.
> What does the define
> #define fxCAT(a,b) a##b
I believe this is only if __ANSI_CPP_ is defined... So this should not
be the problem. Any ANSI CPP should replace fxCAT(string1, string2)
with string1string2.
> resolve to?...does it just concatenate or something weird with the double
> hash? The Ptr.h classname is defined by that macro which is roughly in the
> area i think the error is occurring.
Hm.. Yes, indeed. I haven't been able to chase down the problem any
more (it seems to work on all the compilers I've tried).
Can someone who is having the problem send us the "preprocessor"
output? I'm not sure what the options are for AIX CC, but for gcc,
just put a "-E" on the line, and it will spit it out instead of compile
it. I would be interested in seeing it.
> Attached are all the patches to the util directory since beta2, if beta2
> compiles then add the diff section by section till it breaks.
> PS It is not really a C++ problem i don't think, more a C++ compiler
> problem....whoever wrote this wanted some template classes and namespaces,
> but cause the compilers at the time probably didnt support templates they
> wrote it using the preprocessor(sort of like trying to paint the mona lisa
> with a spray gun ;-)...the result is that it is extremely difficult to work
> out what is going on.
Aidan Van Dyk Create like a god,
aidan@highrise.ca command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/ work like a slave.
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