Section 3 : Running a Server

Q305: How do I change HylaFAX to use mailx instead of sendmail?

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How do I change HylaFAX to use mailx instead of sendmail?

I would like to request that the scripts that are hardcoded to use sendmail be made configurable. For example:

util/ change last line from : ) | 2>&1 $SENDMAIL -t -ffax -oi ^^^^^ to : MAIL_CMD=mailx ) | 2>&1 $MAIL_CMD
These won't do the same thing. The -t option to sendmail tells it to extract the address(es) from the header. If you use /bin/mail or mailx you'll have to put the address on the command line yourself.

To switch over to mailx you'll need to make more extensive modifications. If you get things all working, please send the appropriate patches so they can be shared with others.

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