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User:Classie Shigematsu

Revision as of 21:25, 5 December 2012 by Classie Shigematsu (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Fear of the market; should a person avoid starting an online business when the economy is down? While the economy is definitely in a cycle that isn't wonderful right now...don't…')
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Fear of the market; should a person avoid starting an online business when the economy is down?

While the economy is definitely in a cycle that isn't wonderful right now...don't let anyone tell you there is 'no' business going on.The travel industry is notable a lucrative one as people with money still travel..maybe not as often, but they do.In this market, consider what is your USP so that you can structure your product/service offering to have the greatest impact.Also it'd be well advised to decide who your target audience will be, their demographics, etc. A great read if you're going after those that still have cash to spend is a book by Dan Kennedy called "No B.S. Marketing To The Affluent"... It'll give you a fresh insight into a vary interesting segment of the market and what they're looking for and how to position yourself to sell to that audience.After you've done your research, decided what your USP is going to be, get that domain online and start to marketing. Get those leads online and take them offline as quickly as possible SEO to your website...then get those customers on the phone or with something in their mailbox where it's not as noisy as their email inbox.Here you will get more information about <a href="">New York Marketing Company</a>.

This page was last edited on 5 December 2012, at 21:25.

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