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Revision as of 16:44, 13 December 2011 by Canadaonlinesolutions (talk | contribs) (How to setup - USRobotics USB Model 5637 on linux)
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How to setup - USRobotics USB Model 5637 on linux

After having issues and googleing for several hours I thought I would post the correct configuration for this modem to work correctly in linux.

The errors I had before appling the code to config.ttyACM0;

1. MODEM /dev/ttyACM0 appears to be wedged
2. ANSWER: Ring detected without successful handshake

Copy and paste below to config.ttyACM0

  1. Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
  2. and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).

ModemType: Class1 # use class 1 interface ModemRate: 19200 # rate for DCE-DTE communication ModemFlowControl: rtscts # software flow control

ModemSetupDTRCmd: ATS13=1&D3 # setup so DTR drop resets modem ModemSetupDCDCmd: AT&C1 # setup so DCD reflects carrier (or not) ModemNoFlowCmd: AT&H0 # setup modem for no flow control ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&H1 # setup modem for hardware flow control ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&H2 # setup modem for software flow control ModemResultCodesCmd: ATQ0X4 # enable result codes

ModemMfrQueryCmd: !USR ModemModelQueryCmd: ATI3 ModemRevQueryCmd: ATI7 # XXX returns a multi-line result

  1. When AT+FCLASS=1 is issued the modem automatically switches
  2. to software flow control; these parameters let the fax software
  3. reset flow control as needed after entering Class 1.

Class1NFLOCmd: AT+FLO=0 # setup modem for no flow control Class1HFLOCmd: AT+FLO=2 # setup modem for hardware flow control Class1SFLOCmd: AT+FLO=1 # modem does this automatically

  1. This should resolve "DIS/DTC received 3 times" errors:

Class1ResponseWaitCmd: AT+FRS=1 # wait after sending TCF for response

  1. The remainder of this configuration is included so that the
  2. modem "idles" in Class 0 while not sending or receiving facsimile.

ModemSetupAACmd: AT+FCLASS=0 # leave modem idling in class 0

    1. ModemAnswerCmd: AT+FCLASS=1A # answer in Class 1
  1. When using AT+FRS=n we see USR modems reset themselves in the middle of sessions
  2. this is not good. So, we seem to work-around that problem by not using the
  3. command. Unfortunately, this isn't an ideal thing.

Class1SwitchingCmd: "<delay\0727>"

ModemAnswerCmd: ATA # string, command for answering phone ModemAnswerDataBeginCmd: "" # string, command for start of answered data call ModemAnswerDataCmd: ATA # string, command for answering data call ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd: "" # string, command for start of answered fax call ModemAnswerFaxCmd: ATA # string, command for answering fax call ModemAnswerResponseTimeout: 180000 # integer, answer command timeout (ms) ModemAnswerVoiceBeginCmd: "" # string, command for start of answered voice call ModemAnswerVoiceCmd: ATA # string, command for answering voice call ModemATCmdDelay: 0 # integer, delay before sending modem an AT cmd (ms) ModemBaudRateDelay: 0 # integer, delay (ms) after setting baud rate ModemClassQueryCmd: AT+FCLASS=? # string, command for querying modem services ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd: ATS8=2 # string, command for setting time to pause for comma in dialing string ModemDialCmd: ATDT%s # string, command for dialing (%s for number to dial) ModemDialResponseTimeout: 180000 # integer, dialing command timeout (ms) ModemEchoOffCmd: ATE0 # string, command for disabling command echo ModemFlowControl: None # string, DTE-DCE flow control scheme ModemFrameFillOrder: LSB2MSB # string, bit order for HDLC frames ModemHardFlowCmd: "" # string, command for setting hardware flow control between DTE and DCE

ModemMinSpeed: 2400 # string, minimum acceptable transmit speed ModemMfrQueryCmd: "" # string, command for querying modem manufacturer ModemModelQueryCmd: "" # string, command for querying modem model ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd: ATS0=0 # string, command for disabling auto-answer ModemNoFlowCmd: "" # string, command for disabling hardware flow control between DTE and DCE ModemOnHookCmd: ATH0 # string, command for placing phone ``on hook ModemPageDoneTimeout: 180000 # integer, page send/receive timeout (ms) ModemPageStartTimeout: 180000 # integer, page send/receive timeout (ms) ModemRate: 19200 # integer, baud rate to use for DCE-DTE communication ModemRecvFillOrder: LSB2MSB # string, bit order for received facsimile data ModemResetCmds: "" # string, additional commands when resetting modem ModemResetDelay: 2600 # integer, delay (ms) after sending modem reset commands ModemResultCodesCmd: ATQ0 # string, command for enabling result codes ModemRevQueryCmd: "" # string, command for querying modem firmware revision ModemSendBeginCmd: "" # string, command to send on establishing carrier ModemSendFillOrder: LSB2MSB # string, bit order for sending facsimile data ModemSetVolumeCmd: "ATL3M1" # string, commands for setting modem speaker volume level ModemSetupAACmd: "" # string, command for setting up adaptive answer ModemSetupDCDCmd: "" # string, command for setting up DCD handling ModemSetupDTRCmd: "" # string, command for setting up DTR handling ModemSoftFlowCmd: "" # string, command for setting software flow control between DTE and DCE ModemSoftResetCmd: ATZ # string, command for doing a soft reset ModemType: Class1 # string, modem type ModemVerboseResultsCmd: ATV1 # string, command for enabling verbose result codes ModemWaitForConnect: No # boolean, force server to wait for ``CONNECT response on answer ModemWaitTimeCmd: ATS7=60 # string, command for setting time to wait for carrier when dialing

Class1Cmd: AT+FCLASS=1 # string, command to enter class 1 Class1HFLOCmd: "" # string, command to set hardware flow control Class1FrameOverhead: 4 # integer, extra bytes in a received HDLC frame Class1NFLOCmd: "" # string, command to set no flow control Class1RecvAbortOK: 100 # integer, max wait (ms) for ``OK after recv abort Class1RecvIdentTimer: 35000 # integer, max wait (ms) for initial ident frame Class1SFLOCmd: "" # string, command to set software flow control Class1TCFMaxNonZero: 10 # integer, max% of non-zero data in good TCF Class1TCFMinRun: 1000 # integer, minimum zero run in good TCF Class1TCFRecvTimeout: 4500 # integer, max wait (ms) for TCF Class1TCFResponseDelay: 75 # integer, delay between TCF and ack/nak Class1SendPPMDelay: 75 # integer, delay before sending post-page message Class1SendTCFDelay: 75 # integer, delay between sending DCS and TCF Class1TrainingRecovery: 1500 # integer, delay after failed training

This page was last edited on 13 December 2011, at 16:44.

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