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[hylafax-users] Fax Status

Hi guys,

 I have a fax hook that is executing after successful send
    if [ "${1}" = "SEND" ] && [ "${2}" = "0x0400" ] ; then ...

Now that works fine for basic status if a fax was sent or not. But in a case when the fax failed to send I would like to have the reason for failure, and a new send attempt.

What happens now I force failure by inputing a non existing receiver. I send a few faxes. When I do faxstat -s I get a failure message for the first job and all following marked as blocked by concurrent call. At certain intervals the job will be resend. In the file filled by the hook I see SEND 0x0200 67.

That is nice but I would like to know the exact reason why the previous send attempt failed that it is resending it. Or at least when it does the predefined number of attempts and gives up sending this job to get the reason for the failure. What would be the best way to get this information?

Kind Regards

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