+ -dMaxStripSize=0 \
This should work on both versions of GS, and make the new version of GS
write a single unlimtied strip that will work. I thouls eliminate the
need for Use2D, or the tiffcp hack...
Downgrading has worked for now, so it is currently off of my "priority"
list! When I have sorted out some other issues with a new server, I
shall be going back to this and will give this a try when re-updating
ghostscript (probably early next week).
OK, please do try it. Just to give you more background. Ghostscript
traditionally had that MaxStripSize set to 0. It was changed in 8.71
(I think) to 8192. And as soon as 8.71 was released, and they
realized they broke everything for everybody, they changed it. They
didn't change it to 0 (unlimited), but to 1Million (or something big
like that).
So, ghostscript 8.71 is affected. Newer GS (already in fedora
repositories) bumps this up to a value large enough to hold a page if
tiff data. And previous to 8.71 it was unlimitted. So by next week,
your ports might have it fixed already and you not even need
But we want to make sure that -dMaxStripSize=0 works on "all"
ghostscripts, so if you could test that on your curren tone (and when
upgraded), I Still would appreciate it.