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Re: [hylafax-users] How to perform mail-merge for a postscript document to fax?

Hi Deven.

El Martes, 17 de Febrero de 2009, Deven Phillips escribió:
> Carlos, et. al.,
>     I developed a PostScript document template by creating it in
> OpenOffice and then printing it to a PostScript file. I then wrote a
> script (in our case PHP) to generate PostScript which "draws" the
> required information on top of the postscript template. We use this to
> generate customer invoices of which we fax about 1000-1500 daily. The
> specifics of how to accomplish this are going to vary a great deal based
> on this intended application. In our case, we had to write code to
> generate the postscript in such a way as to draw rows and columns with
> item details and price breakdowns. It took a lot of time and effort. The
> best place to start it by trying your hand at learning some PostScript
> language. From there you have to then figure out how to reliably
> generate the PostScript from a program. I have considered using the
> iText library to rewrite my application, but if it isn't broken, I don't
> want to fix it.

mmm, seems a very hard work.

I think i will keep on my solution, as I am a Postscript ignorant. I use 
Formscape to print to the samba fax printer. Formscape gets the data from our 
ERP as an XML file and generates the output (is a visual reporting tool )

but thanks anyway 

Un Saludo.

Carlos Lorenzo Matés.

clmates AT mundo-r.com

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