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Re: [hylafax-users] How to perform mail-merge for a postscript document to fax?


El Miércoles, 4 de Febrero de 2009, CheeYang Chau escribió:
> Hi,
> I have a document (either in jpg / word doc / postscript) and a list
> of customer names.
> I would like to fax the document to each customer with their name
> appear in the fax output.  How would do that?

We use something similar using a modified version of sambafax

we combine our document with the list of names and fax numbers in any 
application like openoffice 

then our modified version of sambafax use two tags to mark the beginning and 
end of each fax and to specify the destination

then the script in the server uses pdftk, pstoascii and pdftops to burst the 
document into pages, analyze them, compose the pages in the final faxes to 
send, and send them all to their proper destinations

If you are interested i could send the script to the list

we have used this to mailing to more than 4000 customers 

also we have another script to retry the failed ones to make easier the 
mailing ;-)


Un Saludo.

Carlos Lorenzo Matés.

clmates AT mundo-r.com

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